
5 Days to Go

This coming Saturday is the day where I officially start my efforts, and I have to be honest here: 100 kilometres is a lot.

Comfort Maths

It’s a big number. And usually, when faces with dauntingly big numbers, I try and do some Comfort Maths to break the number down into more manageable chunks. But after a few days of trying, the scope of this thing remains daunting.

Break it down before it breaks me down

100 Kilometres
is 20,000 floors [^1]
at 25 steps per floor, is 500,000 steps.

333 days left until 2026

which means an approximate AVERAGE of 60 floors a day, every day.

(I will probably not be hoofing it every single day for the rest of the year, so in reality 120 floors every other day)

^1: The LifeConnect Powermill I’ll be using for the bulk of this effort considers “1 floor” to be 5 metres and 25 steps.

Tracking my slow ascent into madness

I don’t wear fitness trackers anymore, partly because I don’t want my fitness and health information to be handled by people who aren’t me or my actual doctor, and also because I’m poor and clumsy (a killer combo for fancy gadgets). So this is going to have to be good old fashioned Tracking By Hand!

On my side of this whole thing, I’ll be taking photos of the Powermill’s screen after a session, and maintaining a meticulous record of everything. This information will stay with me, for the most part, and I will publish summary updates on this site and on Justgiving. I’m not fully exposing this data to the public because I am also tracking other things, for my own entertainment and information, at the same time.

I may change my mind though and publish everything, though. Who knows. I’ m a fickle bitch.

Guilt me into doing a good job. With money!

Starting at Zero

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